For the pass couple of weeks this quote has been my inspiration and drive to start all over again. Its given me the inspiration to go back to my dreams that were lost in a world of peer pressure, society standards, and economical stability. My dreams of being in fashion, which was something I loved more than anything! I remember as a kid I would draw clothes and dresses all day. If i could get my hands on a pencil and some paper I would draw for hours! But as I grew older my vision to become a fashion designer was a mere dream in a lake full of my hopeful dreams. Peer pressure started to kick in and as a young boy drawing clothes and dresses wasn't really popular in my society. So little by little I began to lose my drive for the fashion industry and focus my mind on more practical jobs, like athletic training. I was always interested in sports but never had anyone to really push me to participate until high school. My uncle signed me up for track & field my freshmen year and ever since then my interest in sports has grown! From there I took up sports medicine classes in high school and was the acting athletic trainer for the track and cross country team.
I felt that this field of work was for me and I would be great in it! I set out goals and plans surrounding athletic training and was for sure that's what I wanted to do with my life. And then came freshmen year of college, a time when I questioned everything I was doing. I never was the smartest student but I always made average grades which were pretty much high B's and C's but college showed me that in order to even be an "average student" I would have to take it up another step or two. My grades suffered a lot my freshmen year because I had so much going on from tuition to working and being away from my family and then trying to be a student!! It felt like college was not meant for me and every time i progressed just a little I got knocked back another 2 ft. So my dreams of being a professional athletic trainer began to dwindle into a sea of hopeless dreams.......
And I thought that maybe my sophomore year would be a new start for me! I would be able to look into different majors and get more involved and not have to worry about tuition and working to pay of bills......I would just be a student!So I went for another practical career and chose political science as a major. But once again I was wrong about my major, my grades were a disappointment, and I had way too much on my plate! And this sent me into a world of questioning my every move, decisions, obligations, and pretty much everything. Until I read this quote my mind was still in a state of uncertainty and doubtfulness.....but I took the time to look at my dreams and find out what truly was my passion.
My dream is to have a career in the fashion industry.....and from now on I'm going to embrace that dream everyday. I am looking at life in a new perspective! I wont let my peers or society define my life nor my career......
Dreams should be your motivation in life.....to succeed at whatever it is you want! As long as it doesn't harm or hurt others I believe you should live out your dreams and persevere through all the obstacles that may stand in your way........
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